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Brand: Historide

Role: Freelance Writer


Historide is an app where you can connect with other vehicle lovers and chronicle your rides. It was the brainchild of a brilliant serial entrepreneur and he hired me to write in-app copy, copy for the Apple store, emails and car wraps. Ultimately, though, I feel the real value of our partnership was in the brainstorms we had together. We needed to articulate, not just what this app could do; we needed to get to the heart of why users need it. Turns out, vehicle enthusiasts want to connect with like minds about their particular passion and share it. We went from there.


What I'm most proud of: Helping the founder/client articulate his mission, and getting the messaging right by connecting with user needs.


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Historide app email
Historide app email
historide app email
historide email
historide app email
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